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Sunday, March 25, 2007


Secret Window

I found this window sealed off in my friend's dorm. I naturally explored it with my friends Ben and Lindsay. And then, I decided to have some photos of it and came up with a story in ten minutes.

It Started When He Left the Window Opened.

Something Wicked Hidden Away.

She Didn't See It Coming.

Until It Was Too Late.

It Only Heard Her.

She Fought.

But It Wasn't Enough.

But Enough for It.

Until She Was Gone.


Sorry I haven't post anything lately. Kind of lazy but I've been pushing myself to finish things. Found out that I'm a lot happier when things get done.

The Warble CDs are finally released. They are $10.
Go to:

We put up new tracks.

Tommy "Secret Windows of Opportunity."

cool. i've been wanting to actually hear the warble. i know alanna went to see a show two memphises ago, but i forget exactly what she said. boot.

that's an extremely spooky dorm room!

you're lucky that you have a lot of willing friends to work with you!
?Their myspace have a few tracks of their CD,
The dorm was awesome.
I'm just lucky that they are willing and supportive.
Dude. I wish my dorm room had a neat window like that.
Instead, we just have a poltergeist that makes noise and throws things when we're trying to sleep.
Call the ghostbusters. Or you'll have to cast it out.
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